Universal Registration Document 2021

Chapter 6. 2021 Consolidated financial statements

/ December 31, 2020
(in millions of euros) Total -1 year 1-2 years 2-3 years 3-4 years 4-5 years +5 years
Bonds (excl. accrued interest) 4,031 699 - 497 602 745 1,488
Medium-term loan (financing of epsilon acquisition) 150 - - 150 - - -
Debt related to earn-out commitments 241 85 79 38 38 1 -
Debt related to commitments to buy-out non-controlling interests 24 16 4 2 - 2 -
Other financial liabilities  63 56 7 - - - -
Total financial liabilities 4,509 856 90 687 640 748 1,488
Fair value of derivatives 24 87 1 - - - (64)
Total liabilities related to financing activities 4,533 943 91 687 640 748 1,424
/ Analysis by currency
(in millions of euros) December 31, 2021 December 31, 2020
Euros(1) Euros(1)December 31, 2021



December 31, 2020


US dollars US dollarsDecember 31, 2021


US dollars

December 31, 2020


Other currencies Other currenciesDecember 31, 2021


Other currencies

December 31, 2020


Total financial liabilities

Total financial liabilities

December 31, 20213,630

Total financial liabilities

December 31, 2020


(1) Including euro 2,250 million of Eurobonds swapped into USD at December 31, 2021, subscribed in 2020 (euro 2,250 million at December 31, 2020).

Analysis by interest rate type

See Note 29 “Risk management – Exposure to interest rate risk”

Exposure to liquidity risk

Future payments related to financial debt before the impact of discounting (excluding debt linked to finance leases) are as follows :