Universal Registration Document 2021

Chapter 6. 2021 Consolidated financial statements

/ Change in the fair value of plan assets 
  December 31, 2021 December 31, 2021
(in millions of euros) Pension plans Medical cover Total Pension plans Medical cover Total
Fair value of plan assets at start of year 496 - 496 529 - 529
Actuarial return on plan assets 26 - 26 30 - 30
Employer contributions 24 2 26 34 1 35
Administrative fees (2) - (2) (2) - (2)
Acquisitions, disposals (1) - (1) (3) - (3)
Benefits paid (49) (2) (51) (59) (1) (60)
Translation adjustments 35 - 35 (33) - (33)
Fair value of plan assets at year-end 529 - 529 496 - 496
Surplus (deficit) (198) (21) (219) (227) (22) (249)
Effect of ceiling on value of assets (68) - (68) (58) - (58)
Net provision for defined benefit pension liabilities and post-employment medical care (267) (21) (288) (285) (22) (307)
Provision for other long-term benefits (17) - (17) (11) - (11)
Total provisions for retirement benefit obligations, other post-employment and long-term benefits (284) (21) (305) (296) (22) (318)
/Pension expenses and other post-employment benefits
  December 31, 2020 December 31, 2021
(in millions of euros) Pension plans Medical cover Total Pension plans Medical cover Total
Cost of services rendered during the year (38) - (38) (27) - (27)
Financial expenses (5) - (5) (6) (1) (7)
Defined benefit plan expense (43) - (43) (33) (1) (34)
Cost of other plans (including defined contribution plans) and other benefits (149) - (149) (120) - (120)
Administrative fees excluding plan management fees (2) - (2) (2) - (2)
Total retirement costs recognized in the income statement (194) - (194) (155) (1) (156)