Universal Registration Document 2021

4.5 Assessments and non-financial performance

Chapter 4. Corporate social responsibility – Non-financial performance

4.5 Assessments and non-financial performance

Publicis Groupe’s non-financial performance is improving each year, illustrating the progress made in the various registers, as evidenced by the ratings obtained at the end of 2021 with 10 non-financial rating agencies (see www.publicisgroupe.com) and among which the Groupe ranks first in its sector in eight of them.

Publicis Groupe is included in several ESG indices, including: FTSE4Good, Euronext Vigeo-Eiris, Ethibel Sustainability Index Excellence Europe, ECPI Index, and is subject to annual assessments by many other organizations such as the Bloomberg GEI Index, Equileap, Ethics & Boards… Details are on the Groupe’s website, www.publicisgroupe.com, section CSR Smart Data.


Scope and process

CSR/ESG reporting is based on social, societal and environmental indicators collected in 772 entities of the Groupe, and since 2009, with a coverage rate of 99% of the workforce of the Groupe. The scope of CSR and non-financial reporting is aligned with that of consolidated financial reporting, including all subsidiaries more than 50% owned by the Groupe, and entities over which the Groupe has operational control. Three indicators are subject to lower coverage rates, and exclusions are due to the lack of data on these topics from our subsidiaries :

  • Absenteeism: coverage rate of 93% of headcount;
  • Assessments: coverage rate of 82% of headcount;
  • Electricity: coverage rate of 96% of headcount;
  • Janus: coverage rate of 98% of headcount;
  • Water: coverage rate of 90% of headcount;
  • Waste: coverage rate of 82% of headcount
  • Paper: coverage rate of 97% of headcount;
  • Training: coverage rate of 97% of headcount.

2021 CSR reporting focuses on the period from January 1 to December 31, 2021 and is carried out annually.

Quantitative, social, societal and environmental data is collected in accordance with financial reporting control rules and processes via a dedicated module (HFMCSRGRI) incorporated into the financial information system and specific verification, control and validation processes. This data is under the responsibility of the agency and country Financial Directors.

Quantitative social information is now collected via Career Settings, the human resources reporting system (HRIS – Human Resource Information System). This system is under the responsibility of the Chief Talent Officers (CTOs or Human Resources Managers) of the agencies and countries, in charge of data verification.

Qualitative, social, societal and environmental information is collected via a dedicated internal platform (NAXOS) which is accessible to all agencies. Qualitative information is placed under the responsibility of the agency and country Chief Talent Officers, who sign off on the content shared.

HFMCSRGRI and NAXOS are linked in order to ensure consistency and run materiality tests. The definitions and calculation methods are aligned with the GRI and are presented in the CSR Smart data section.

The scope of impacts includes the Company and all its subsidiaries (100%), as well as some third-parties associated with digital activities for clients (e.g., servers) and those relating to employee personal travel, outside of lockdown periods, and includes most of the direct suppliers.

Exclusions: as every year, subsidiaries acquired on or after July 1, 2021 are not included in the 2021 CSR/ESG reporting; they will be included in the 2022 reporting.

CSR governance and reporting process

Since May 2021, the Supervisory Board has set up an ESG Committee. Chaired by Ms. Suzan LeVine, it met twice in 2021 (see Sections and of this document). CSR is under the responsibility of the Secretary General, who sits on the Management Board. CSR topics are examined by the Management Board through the quarterly monitoring of demographic, social and diversity indicators. Certain topics related to talent and diversity are regularly discussed during Supervisory Board meetings.