Universal Registration Document 2021

Chapter 4. Corporate social responsibility – Non-financial performance

In 2021, the internal support program for interns welcomed 60 young people, whose common project was to build an internal campaign on well-being. In terms of recruitment, the partnership with Year Up and MAIP allows Publicis Health agencies to welcome more diversified profiles and to help young people from less privileged backgrounds to access programs that can help them discover our professions. Publicis Health’s affinity groups (BRGs) were very active and participation in conferences such as AdColor, Black Enterprise Women of Power, Out & Equal, 4As Vanguard or 3% Conference were continued and are beneficial opportunities for the employees concerned to contribute to the inclusive internal culture.

The BRGs have an important role in the agency as internal game changers in terms of action, organization and policies to update; Publicis Parents has been a driving force in the development of actions supporting young parents, whether in terms of paid parental leave or childcare leave, which after a pilot phase is now available to all Groupe employees in the United States.

Publicis Health is at the heart of the medical and paramedical ecosystem, in permanent contact with doctors and medical experts or health practitioners. The role of the Chief Patient Officer is key within the agency: to ensure the direction of the marketing strategy and the choice of messages and arguments. As the health sector is highly regulated, teams work with compliance officers on a daily basis.

Publicis Health Media (PHM) has established a partnership with NewsGuard for the launch of its HealthGuard browser extension, as part of a public service campaign, “VaxFacts”, following the sharp increase in infox related to the Covid-19 health crisis and the development of vaccines. Assessments of HealthGuard have been integrated into PHM processes to ensure that clients’ media partners meet the highest standards related to their content, in order to work with trusted publishers.

Publicis UK

In January 2021, Publicis UK launched its internal Green Council, to facilitate sharing between the agencies’ internal projects, which are accelerating on the environmental front; it meets every month and adjusts the plan for shared or joint actions between agencies. The Green Council makes it possible to liaise with ongoing projects within the profession, which was particularly active in this year, which hosted the COP 26 in Glasgow. The British inter-professional organization has been very active with several projects to better measure the environmental impacts of its activities and to steer actions, in particular with the creation of the AdNetZero association and the definition of ambitious objectives.

In 2021, the Groupe:

  • committed all its agencies to apply the best production practices recommended by AdGreen of which Publicis UK is a founding member and to commit to using carbon measurement tools and calculators; the production teams have been specifically trained. Work is also underway on the selection of ad hoc environmental criteria at the time of the creative brief;
  • participated with the media agencies which are founding members of the IPA Climate Charter aiming for 100% of media plans to be carbon neutral by 2030; each agency organized workshops with their clients so that they could each shape a roadmap to meet this objective and the operational options to explore;
  • submitted its data for scopes 1 & 2 at industry level for collective action, and to work on scope 3 with the main suppliers, with a view to achieving carbon neutrality by 2030 set by the Groupe;
  • supported the creation of an internal BRG (Business /Employee Resource Groupe) dedicated to the environmental impacts of our activities in order to bring together internal goodwill to act and accelerate.

The big lesson of 2021 is the pre-eminence of climate-related issues and the absolute necessity to profoundly and quickly transform economies, companies and civil societies. The better understanding of these issues has not yet translated into sufficiently concrete actions.

The objectives of COP26 in Glasgow will be achieved if companies play the central role they must take on. This is a tremendous opportunity in terms of business given the radical changes to be made, and new solutions to be invented (products and services). Few companies in the world have made climate commitments equal to the challenges to be faced, and even though they are ambitious, few have a clear vision of the need to carry out disruptive projects on a large scale and quickly. This is the major challenge.

With offices in London and New York, Salterbaxter is one of the leading firms in its field, whose expertise in ESG consulting combines technical know-how in line with the complexity of the issues to be faced, and effective creativity skills. These teams are the first to regularly call themselves into question in order to see how communication and marketing can participate more actively in the changes to implement (ways of thinking, behavior, innovations, etc.) and support clients in their development projects. The support offered by the Salterbaxter teams involves a detailed analysis of the levers that are specific to each company in order to compare them with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and to set a timetable for the transition to action.

With ProgressPoint, Salterbaxter has a relevant analysis tool that takes into account the multiple dimensions and distinctive factors, the existing performance levers or those to be considered, the weight of the managers’ commitments, and the actions already underway in order to draw up an accurate roadmap with different milestones. This tool was developed in 2021 with the World Benchmarking Alliance which monitors more than 2,000 companies to help them achieve the SDGs. The Salterbaxter Progress Framework, which includes many indicators, makes it possible to match the action plan to specific criteria.