Universal Registration Document 2021

Chapter 4. Corporate social responsibility – Non-financial performance

A special effort continued with regard to suppliers headed by women or South Africans of color. All these actions are aimed at continuing the fight against apartheid and rebuilding a more egalitarian society.

7) Australia and New Zealand

Agencies strengthened their partnership with the NGOs Diversity Council Australia, Diversity Works New Zealand, and Pride in Diversity, thereby furthering the roll-out of important
training programs on unconscious biases, inclusive leadership and cultural intelligence, which were attended by more than 500 employees in the Australia and New Zealand region. The
local DE&I policy was revised to clarify support measures relating to fertility, miscarriage, gender change and bereavement issues. A second perception survey was conducted to measure the progress made and identify areas for improvement, thereby setting the roadmap for Publicis Belong – the DE&I team, which also relies on the invaluable work performed by the BRGs, coordinated by volunteers:

  • in 2021, VivaWomen! continued its cycle of international online sessions around The Confidence Playbook for all female Groupe employees outside Australia; 
  • “Égalité” with several events that enabled the entire community to feel united during the working from home periods;
  •  the RAP Team is composed of highly committed volunteers whose role is to implement actions in favor of the aboriginal culture, with the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
    organizations returning to the roots of Australian culture as part of the national program Reconciliation Australia. On this occasion, discovery and education activities were conducted for all employees in Australia.
8) Inclusion of people with disabilities

In the agencies of many countries, this remains a priority (no global Groupe indicator due to legislation in different countries), either through the recruitment of people with
disabilities, or support, in terms of adapting and reorganizing workstations, for employees with disabilities. In recent years, several more pro-active initiatives were implemented in the
agencies, whether working on internal culture, the lifting of taboos or stereotypical and erroneous views, and on better understanding individual situations. The creation of the BRG
enABLE over the last two years in the United States, the United Kingdom and India in particular also helped to demystify these topics related to disability in all its forms, thanks to the testimonials of employees and their allies.

In the United Kingdom, in-depth work was carried out on updating the Disability policy, in order to include more broadly many forms of disability (physical or mental disability,
long-term, chronic or autoimmune diseases, pathologies impairing physical and/or mental capacities).

In France, the Disability team, which has 14 Ambassadors, worked on the following topics: the organization of Disability Week, offering various testimonials from many employees, a
daily challenge “Handi Birds” to teach people about the different forms of disability, as well as a talk/debate with Mathieu Thomas, French Parabadminton team player and sixth-best player in his category worldwide; and participation in several recruitment events dedicated to students with disabilities: Sciences Po Accessible, Open Forum ESSEC and JobDating Pépites.

Digital accessibility or e-accessibility: the Groupe has always been keen to make its work and documents, particularly corporate publications, e-accessible. Access to digital
technology is now a fundamental human right. For nearly 10 years at Publicis Sapient, an expert team with W3C certified employees (among others) has been supporting projects for
clients in order to anticipate, from the initial technological design, all the points of vigilance to check in order to ensure a pleasant experience for the end user. Some certified
employees are authorized to carry out external audits to confirm whether the digital project corresponds to the required criteria or not. In recent years, internal training has been
accelerated to ensure employees have the basic skills to master technical prerequisites, with fully dedicated teams such as at Razorfish. Attracting and recruiting talent with different profiles

The Groupe’s key jobs – Creation, Media, Data, Technology – are under great strain in most countries. The Groupe’s agencies in all countries capitalize on several recruitment levers at the same time, as the challenge is to retain Groupe talent. The agility and potential gained through personal experiences are considered key, in order to create the most diverse teams. At the same time, forging close relationships with schools and universities is still an asset that agencies can leverage to keep students informed of the considerable changes in Groupe jobs, and these rely on:

  1. employment forums, many of which were virtual in 2021: Job Fairs or Careers Fairs enable several agencies to act as one, promoting a well-rounded vision of the diversity of Groupe occupations, sometimes around entertaining approaches or challenges to be won together;
  2. internships or work-study programs: on-the-ground learning with actual business cases is still the best way of starting out with the Groupe. The vast majority of the Groupe’s agencies welcome several thousand interns per year, internships being a means to jumpstart access to employment. Despite the lockdowns, the agencies ensured that they could maintain a capacity for onboarding, albeit reduced by the force of events;