Combine "Media Creativity, Data and Technology", to accompany our clients in their transformation
To obtain the best services (quality and performance) and respect our commitments
Cooperate around common projects
Respect the media’s neutrality
Delivering clear and respectful messages Data protection
Commitment to causes of general interest
Improve good practices
Sharing our business challenges
Work together on sector impacts
Ensuring regular and sustainable performance of the company
Discover our businesses
Act in favor of education of young people
Attract and retain talent
Encourage diversity
Encourage professional development
In the ongoing dialogue with our stakeholders, be that at Groupe level, Region or Country, Publicis Groupe has observed an alignment between the issues expressed and the ESG priorities of the Groupe around 1. Diversity Equity and Inclusion, and the fight for Social Justice 2. Responsible marketing and Business Ethics and 3. The fight against Climate Change (see details in Chapter 4 of this document, the Non-Financial Performance Declaration).