Universal Registration Document 2021

Chapter 3. Governance and compensation

/ Table –Items of compensation paid or awarded in 2021 to Michel-Alain Proch, member of the Management Board, subject to shareholder approval
Items of compensation subject to approval Amounts paid in respect of the past financial year Amounts awarded in respect of the past financial year or accounting valuation Presentation
Fixed compensation

Fixed compensation

Amounts paid in respect of the past financial year


Fixed compensation

Amounts awarded in respect of the past financial year or accounting valuation


Fixed compensation


Proportion of fixed compensation (compared to the compensation paid): 100% The rules for determining fixed compensation can be found in Section of this document.

Annual variable compensation

Annual variable compensation

Amounts paid in respect of the past financial year


Annual variable compensation

Amounts awarded in respect of the past financial year or accounting valuation


Annual variable compensation


Proportion of variable compensation (compared to the compensation paid): 0% Variable compensation to be paid in 2022 for financial year 2021: After assessing the performance for each of the criteria indicated below and in accordance with the compensation policy adopted by the previous Shareholders’ Meeting during the 2021 financial year, the Supervisory Board set the variable part of Michel-Alain Proch’s compensation at euro 600,000 gross, the payment of which will be subject to the approval of the Annual General Shareholders’ Meeting of May 25, 2022 in its sixteenth resolution in accordance with article L. 22-10-34, II of the French Commercial Code. This amount results from the following facts and assessments shown below and in the table below.

Multi-year variable compensation

Multi-year variable compensation

Amounts paid in respect of the past financial year


Multi-year variable compensation

Amounts awarded in respect of the past financial year or accounting valuation


Multi-year variable compensation



Exceptional compensation

Exceptional compensation

Amounts paid in respect of the past financial year


Exceptional compensation

Amounts awarded in respect of the past financial year or accounting valuation


Exceptional compensation



Stock options, performance shares or any other long-term benefit (warrants, etc.)

Stock options, performance shares or any other long-term benefit (warrants, etc.)

Amounts paid in respect of the past financial year


Stock options, performance shares or any other long-term benefit (warrants, etc.)

Amounts awarded in respect of the past financial year or accounting valuation


Stock options, performance shares or any other long-term benefit (warrants, etc.)


This amount the one hand to the valuation in the consolidated financial statements of the shares granted in 2021 to Michel-Alain Proch under the LTIP 2021 Directoire performance share plan(1).

Other benefits

Other benefits

Amounts paid in respect of the past financial year


Other benefits

Amounts awarded in respect of the past financial year or accounting valuation


Other benefits


Michel-Alain Proch will benefit from job loss insurance according to the terms of this guarantee. The use of one of the Company cars(2).

Indemnities when taking or leaving a function

Indemnities when taking or leaving a function

Amounts paid in respect of the past financial year


Indemnities when taking or leaving a function

Amounts awarded in respect of the past financial year or accounting valuation


Indemnities when taking or leaving a function


No sum was awarded with respect to the past financial year. The severance payment described in Section that may be paid to Michel-Alain Proch equates to one year of total gross compensation (fixed and variable compensation paid), subject to performance conditions, i.e. an estimated amount of euro 573,810.

Non-compete agreement

Non-compete agreement

Amounts paid in respect of the past financial year


Non-compete agreement

Amounts awarded in respect of the past financial year or accounting valuation


Non-compete agreement


No sum was awarded with respect to the past financial year. The non-compete payment described in Section that may be paid to Michel-Alain Proch under her employment contract equates to 30% of gross salary, excluding variable items, i.e. an estimated amount of euro 180,000.

Collective pension plan

Collective pension plan

Amounts paid in respect of the past financial year


Collective pension plan

Amounts awarded in respect of the past financial year or accounting valuation


Collective pension plan


Michel-Alain Proch made voluntary contributions to the PERECO 2021. The accounting expense of the benefit is euro 464.

Collective health and welfare insurance plans

Collective health and welfare insurance plans

Amounts paid in respect of the past financial year


Collective health and welfare insurance plans

Amounts awarded in respect of the past financial year or accounting valuation


Collective health and welfare insurance plans


This is the employer’s contribution to the collective health and welfare insurance plans.

Compensation by the company(ies) within the scope of consolidation as per article L. 233-16 of the French Commercial Code

Compensation by the company(ies) within the scope of consolidation as per article L. 233-16 of the French Commercial Code

Amounts paid in respect of the past financial year


Compensation by the company(ies) within the scope of consolidation as per article L. 233-16 of the French Commercial Code

Amounts awarded in respect of the past financial year or accounting valuation


Compensation by the company(ies) within the scope of consolidation as per article L. 233-16 of the French Commercial Code


Michel-Alain Proch has an employment contract with one of the Groupe’s subsidiaries. Michel-Alain Proch holds other offices within Groupe subsidiaries. Compensation for office sheld in Groupe companies is excluded by Janus, the Publicis Groupecode of conduct. Michel-Alain Proch does not receive any compensation other than that described in this document.

  • (1) See details in Table 6.
  • (2) Benefits in kind relating to the use of a company-provided vehicle are not mentioned if they are for an immaterial amount.