The severance payment may only be paid after the determination by the Supervisory Board that the performance conditions had been achieved at the date on which his term as a member of the Management Board ended.
The Supervisory Board reaffirmed that this severance payment and any compensation for a non-compete obligation (see below) may not exceed 12 months of total compensation (fixed and variable compensation paid).
For information, note that these commitments had been authorized by the Supervisory Board on September 12, 2018 and approved by the Combined Shareholders’ Meeting of May 29, 2019 in its eighth resolution for commitments formerly subject to the procedures on related-party agreements.
Steve King is subject to a non-compete obligation in his employment contract with a British subsidiary of the Groupe. This obligation does not give rise to financial consideration as permitted by applicable local regulations.
The Supervisory Board reaffirmed that any severance payment and any compensation for a non-compete obligation may not exceed 12 months of total compensation (fixed and variable compensation paid).
The non-compete agreement was specifically approved by the General Shareholders’ Meeting of May 31, 2017. This agreement remains in force until a decision to the contrary by the Supervisory Board.
It is recalled that the compensation policy for members of the Management Board for the 2021 financial year as well as the items paid or allocated to Steve King in 2020 were approved (91.39% and 94.44% positive votes, respectively) by the General Shareholders’ Meeting of May 26, 2021 (thirteenth and nineteenth resolutions) pursuant to articles L. 22-10-26 II and L. 22-10-34 II of the French Commercial Code (ex-ante and ex-post votes) respectively.
The compensation policy for Steve King for the 2022 financial year will be submitted for approval to the General Shareholders’ Meeting of May 25, 2022 in its tenth resolution pursuant to II of article L. 22-10-26 of the French Commercial Code.
The compensation policy for Michel-Alain Proch is based on the same items as those for all corporate officers set out in Section and includes the items applicable to Management Board members presented in Section as well as the specific items presented below.
The gross annual fixed compensation of Michel-Alain Proch is euro 600,000.
The Supervisory Board approved this compensation in line with:
The Supervisory Board, on the recommendation of the Compensation Committee, decided on the criteria for the variable compensation of Michel-Alain Proch for the 2022 financial year.
The variable compensation of Michel-Alain Proch, which, if targets are met, may represent up to 100% of his fixed compensation is based on the following for the 2022 financial year:
All these criteria, set in advance, are based on quantified, measurable objectives that are made public, with the exception of those that are of a strategic and confidential nature. All these criteria are proposed by the Compensation Committee and validated by the Supervisory Board.
The Committee assesses, in the finest detail, the performance for each objective and each criteria.