Universal Registration Document 2021

Chapter 3. Governance and compensation


Annual variable compensation target for 2022

Non-Financial Quantitative targets: 50%

Legal : 10%

CSR : 20%

Audit : 20%

Financial targets: 50%

Organic growth : 15%

Operating Margin : 15%

Employee expenses : 20%

Long-term variable share-based compensation

Publicis Groupe decided to set up a share plan each year for management and certain key employees of the Groupe. As a member of the Management Board, Anne-Gabrielle Heilbronner is eligible for this plan since 2021. Under this plan, the number of shares that may be delivered at the end of a three-year vesting period (except in the event of death or disability), i.e. in March 2024 for the “LTIP 2021 Directoire” and March 2025 for the “LTIP 2022 Members of the Directoire” plan, will depend – for 90% of the shares awarded – on Publicis Groupe’s average financial performance over a three-year period (2021-2023 for the “LTIP 2021 Directoire” plan and 2022-2023 for the “LTIP 2022 Members of the Directoire” plan) as compared with the financial performance of a peer group comprising WPP, Omnicom, IPG and Publicis Groupe, plus two conditions relating to Corporate Social Responsibility for 10% of the shares awarded.

In addition, Anne-Gabrielle Heilbronner is also a beneficiary of the LTIP 2019-2021 Directoire, whose shares will be delivered on June 14, 2022.

In each of these plans, assuming the performance conditions are met, entitlement to receive shares is subject to continued employment until the end of the vesting period. Details of these plans are presented in Section

In the event of forced departure or a departure due to a change in control or strategy and except in the event of serious or gross misconduct, shares awarded may be retained prorata temporis, subject to performance conditions

In the event of retirement, she may, at the end of the vesting period and upon approval by the Supervisory Board, in accordance with the compensation policy approved by shareholders and applicable at that time, receive the shares granted to her prorata temporis.

Benefits in kind

The use of one of the Company cars.

Moreover, Anne-Gabrielle Heilbronner is covered by the job-loss insurance taken out by Publicis Groupe for its corporate officers, as the French unemployment office (Pôle Emploi) does not cover this.

Collective health and welfare insurance and pension plans

Anne-Gabrielle Heilbronner benefits from the coverage applicable to executives under the French regime. Anne-Gabrielle Heilbronner may benefit from the PERECO and PER O plans open, subject to conditions, to all Groupe employees in France with an employment contract.

Employment contract

Anne-Gabrielle Heilbronner continues to benefit from an employment contract with one of the Groupe’s subsidiaries.

Severance payment

The current commitments to Anne-Gabrielle Heilbronner provide that in the event of a forced departure due to a change in control or strategy and other than in the case of serious or gross misconduct, Anne-Gabrielle Heilbronner would be entitled to a severance payment.

Provided that Anne-Gabrielle Heilbronner does not continue to be employed by Publicis Groupe, the amount of the severance would be equal to one year’s total gross compensation (fixed and variable compensation paid). She would also have the right to exercise the options to subscribe to and/or to purchase the shares that have been awarded to her, and to retain, prorata temporis, the performance shares already granted to her, subject to the performance conditions set out in the regulations for the plan in question (in accordance with the decision of the Supervisory Board of November 25, 2020).

In addition, the payment of the severance amount would be subject to a performance condition: the severance amount would only be due in its full amount if the average annual amount of the variable compensation acquired by Anne-Gabrielle Heilbronner for the three years prior to the termination of her duties is equal to at least 75% of her “target variable compensation”. If the average annual amount is less than 25% of the “target variable compensation”, no sum or benefits will be due. If the average annual amount is between 25% and 75% of the “target variable compensation”, payments and benefits will be calculated on a proportional basis between 0% and 100% using the rule of three.