In accordance with the decision of the Supervisory Board, it is specified that the following changes have been made to the compensation policy in relation to the compensation principles and criteria voted on by the shareholders at the last General Shareholders’ Meeting of May 27, 2020:
Generally speaking, Publicis Groupe has introduced a stringent compensation policy designed to motivate employees so that they make their best contribution to the achievement of the Groupe’s strategic objectives and to ensure long-term performance. The compensation structure is communicated to employees, shareholders and investors in a clear and transparent manner. Publicis Groupe refers to the recommendations of the Afep-Medef Code.
The compensation policy for corporate officers is based on the same principles as those applicable to employees: clarity, competitiveness (vis-à-vis competitors and in the markets in which Publicis Groupe operates), internal fairness, performance incentives and gender equality. The structure of compensation is based on the position and responsibilities within the Groupe and combines the following elements: the base salary (reflecting experience and responsibilities), the variable compensation (which remunerates performance during the year) and awards of performance shares, in particular (recognizing and encouraging the contribution to the Groupe’s medium- and long-term performance on the basis of measurable criteria).
The compensation policy sets out the measurement methods to be applied to corporate officers to determine the extent to which they have satisfied the performance criteria specified for variable compensation and share-based compensation. To determine the extent to which corporate officers have satisfied these performance criteria, the Supervisory Board draws on the proposals and work of the Compensation Committee, which prepares and checks, with the support in particular of the Secretary General and of the Groupe Chief Financial Officer, the performance of each officer on each of the criteria in relation to the objectives set. These checks are documented and made available to the members of the Supervisory Board.
The criteria used to distribute the annual fixed sum allocated by the General Shareholders’ Meeting to Supervisory Board members are set out in Section of this document.
The principles of the compensation policy applicable to corporate officers, subject to approval by the General Shareholders’ Meeting on May 26, 2021, are also intended to apply to newly-appointed corporate officers or those who are reappointed at the General Shareholders’ Meeting. For the Chairman of the Supervisory Board and the Chairman of the Management Board and the newly appointed members of the Management Board, the Supervisory Board may, on the proposal of the Compensation Committee, temporarily decide on the fixed and variable compensation of the newly-appointed corporate officer, taking into account, in particular, his or her profile and experience. This decision must be in the best interests of the Company and necessary to ensure the Groupe’s long-term future and/or viability.