2020 Annual Financial Report

10.5 Cross-reference table for the annual financial report

Chapitre 10 : Additional information

10.5 Cross-reference table for the annual financial report

In order to facilitate the reading of the annual financial report, the following thematic table makes it possible to identify the main information required by article L. 451-1-2 of the French Monetary and Financial Code in this Registration Document.

Item in the annual financial report

Page number


1. Annual financial statements

1. Annual financial statements

Page number

276 to 298

1. Annual financial statements


7.1 to 7.5

2. Consolidated financial statements

2. Consolidated financial statements

Page number

200 to 268

2. Consolidated financial statements


6.1 to 6.6

3. Statutory auditors’ report on the annual financial statements

3. Statutory auditors’ report on the annual financial statements

Page number

299 to 302

3. Statutory auditors’ report on the annual financial statements


7. 6

4. Statutory auditors’ report on the consolidated financial statements

4. Statutory auditors’ report on the consolidated financial statements

Page number

269 to 274

4. Statutory auditors’ report on the consolidated financial statements


6. 7

5. Management report including at least the information mentioned in articles L. 225-100, L. 225-100-2, L. 225-100-3 and L. 225-211 paragraph 2
of the French Commercial Code

5. Management report including at least the information mentioned in articles L. 225-100, L. 225-100-2, L. 225-100-3 and L. 225-211 paragraph 2
of the French Commercial Code

Page number

See cross-reference table in the management report in section 10.6

6. Declaration of the persons responsible for the management report

6. Declaration of the persons responsible for the management report

Page number


6. Declaration of the persons responsible for the management report



7. Fees paid to the statutory auditors

7. Fees paid to the statutory auditors

Page number


7. Fees paid to the statutory auditors


6.6 (Note 34)