2020 Annual Financial Report

Chapitre 8 : Company information and capital structure

8.2.3 Agreements concerning a possible change of control or that might influence a takeover bid

The information required by article L. 22-10-11 of the French Commercial Code can be found in this Universal Registration Document as follows: the capital structure is described in Sections 3.2.3, 8.2 and 8.3, the existence of double voting rights provided for in the Company’s bylaws (article 21) is mentioned in Section 8.1.6, rules applicable to the appointment and replacement of members of the Management Board, as well as the amendment of the Company’s bylaws, are specified in the Company’s bylaws (articles 10 to 12 and 23) and summarized in the aforementioned Section 8.1.6, the existence of authorizations and delegations granted by the Company’s General Shareholders’ Meeting to the Management Board regarding share issuance and buyback is mentioned in Sections 8.3.1 and 8.3.3.

It is also specified that, to the best of the Company’s knowledge, no agreements exist requiring payment of indemnities, in the event of a takeover bid, to the members of the Management Board or employees if their employment should end as a result of this takeover bid.

Certain loan agreements include change in control clauses.