2020 Annual Financial Report

Chapter 6 : 2020 Consolidated financial statements

Technology assets result from the Groupe’s engagement in digital activities. They are amortized over a three- to seven-year period.

E-mail address databases are used in direct e-mailing campaigns. These bases are amortized over two years.

The method used to identify any impairment of intangible assets is based on discounted future cash flows. The Groupe uses the royalty savings method for trade names, which takes into account the future cash flows that the trade name would generate in royalties if a third party were to pay for the use of said trade name. For client contracts, the method involves discounting future cash flows generated by the client. Valuations are carried out by independent appraisers. The parameters used are consistent with those used to measure goodwill.

Capitalized software include in-house applications as well as commercial packages; they are measured either at their acquisition cost (if purchased externally) or at their production cost (if developed internally). They are amortized over their useful life:

  • ERP: eight years;
  • other: three years maximum.
Property, plant and equipment

Items of property, plant and equipment are measured at acquisition cost minus accumulated depreciation and impairment loss.

When appropriate, the total cost of an asset is broken down into its various components that have distinct useful lives. Each component is then recognized separately and depreciated over a distinct term.

Items of property, plant and equipment are depreciated on a straight-line basis over each asset’s estimated useful life. The useful life of property, plant and equipment is generally assumed to be as follows (straight-line method):

  • buildings: 20 to 70 years;
  • fixtures, fittings and general installations: 10 years;
  • office equipment and furniture: 5 to 10 years;
  • vehicles: four years;
  • IT equipment: two to four years.

If any indicators suggesting impairment loss exist, the recoverable amount of the property, plant and equipment or the cash-generating unit(s) to which such assets belong is compared to their carrying amount. Any impairment loss is recorded in the income statement.


Lease contracts

Leases are recognized on the balance sheet at the outset of the lease at the present value of future payments. These leases are recognized under “Lease liabilities” on the liabilities side, offset by “Right-of-use assets related to leases” on the assets side. They are amortized over the term of the lease, which is typically the fixed period of the lease unless there is a stated intention to renew or terminate. In the income statement, depreciation and amortization expenses are recognized in the operating margin and interest expenses under net financial income (expenses). The tax effect of this restatement for consolidation purposes is accounted for through the recognition of deferred tax assets or liabilities.

The discount rates applied to determine the lease liability are based on the Groupe’s incremental borrowing rate plus a spread to take into account the specific economic environment of each country. These discount rates are determined having regard to the terms of the leases.

In the presence of an indicator of loss of value, when the property is vacant and is no longer intended for use in the context of the main activities, an impairment test is performed on the right-of-use assets. If the net carrying amount of the right-of-use assets is lower than their recoverable amount, then an impairment loss is estimated on the basis of the discounted future lease payments less the expected income from sub-leases. In the event that a sub-lease agreement is signed, if it qualifies as a financial lease, the assets corresponding to the right-of-use assets are taken back and a financial receivable is recognized. Any difference between the sub-lease receivable recognized and the derecognized right-of-use assets is recognized in profit or loss.

Leases of low-value assets or short-term leases are immediately expensed in profit or loss.


Other financial assets

All investments are initially recognized at fair value, which corresponds either to the price paid or the value of assets given in payment, plus any transaction costs.

After the initial recognition, investments are assessed at fair value as of the reporting date. Gains and losses on investments held for trading are recognized in income. Profits and losses on other financial assets are accounted for optionally for securities representing equity instruments, either in profit and loss or in other comprehensive income or equity.

Other long-term investments held for maturity and whose sole contractual cash flow characteristics are the payment of the principal and interest, such as bonds, are then assessed at amortized cost using the effective interest rate method. For investments recognized at amortized cost, gains and losses are recognized in the income statement if they are sold or impaired, as well as through the process of amortization.

For investments that are actively traded on organized financial markets, fair value is determined by reference to the published market price at the reporting date. For investments that are not listed on an active market, fair value is determined with reference to the current market price of another substantially similar instrument, or calculated based on the cash flows that are expected from the investment.