The functional currency of each Groupe entity is the currency of the economic environment in which it operates. The financial statements of subsidiaries located outside the euro zone presented in local currencies are translated into euros, the reporting currency of the consolidated financial statements, in the following manner:
Goodwill and fair value adjustments of assets and liabilities recognized in the context of the acquisition of a foreign entity are expressed in the functional currency of the acquired company and translated at the exchange rate applying at the reporting date.
Transactions between consolidated subsidiaries are fully eliminated, as are the corresponding receivables and payables. Similarly, intercompany gains or losses on sales, internal dividends and provisions relating to subsidiaries are eliminated from consolidated results, except in the case of impairment loss.
Business combinations are treated in the following manner:
Acquisition costs are recognized as an expense when incurred and are recorded under “Other operating costs” in the consolidated income statement.
Any earn-out payments on business combinations are recognized at fair value on the acquisition date. After the acquisition date, earn-out payments are recognized at their fair value on the balance sheet date. As of the end of the period for allocating the acquisition price, which comes one year following the acquisition date at the latest, any change in this fair value is recorded in income. Within this allocation period, any changes in this fair value explicitly linked to events subsequent to the acquisition date are also recognized in income. Other changes are recognized as an offset to goodwill.
At the acquisition date, goodwill represents the difference between:
Although deferred tax assets were not recognized at the acquisition date because their recoverability was uncertain, any subsequent recognition or utilization of these deferred taxes after the allocation period will be recorded as an offset to income (i.e. with no impact on the amount recorded as goodwill).
Pending an IFRIC interpretation or a specific IFRS standard on this matter, the following accounting treatment has been adopted in accordance with currently applicable IFRS standards and the AMF recommendation:
The exclusive takeover leads to the recognition of a disposal gain or loss calculated on the entire interest at the transaction date. The previously held interest is thus remeasured at fair value through the income statement at the time of the exclusive takeover.
When additional securities are acquired in an entity that is already exclusively controlled, the difference between the acquisition price of these securities and the proportion of additional consolidated equity acquired is recognized as equity attributable to shareholders of the parent company of the Groupe. The consolidated value of the subsidiary’s identifiable assets and liabilities, including goodwill, is thus left unchanged.
In the statement of cash flows, the acquisition of additional securities in an entity already controlled is presented as net cash flow relating to financing activities.