2020 Annual Financial Report

Chapter 3 : Governance and compensation

/Table 9 (AMF nomenclature) Share subscription options or share purchase options granted to the first ten employees (non-corporate officers) and options exercised by the latter


Number of options granted/subscribed or purchased

Weighted average price (in euros)

Stock options granted betweenJanuary 1 and December 31, 2020, by the issuer and by any company included in the scope of option allocation to their ten respective employees, whose number of options thus granted is the highest (overall information).

Stock options granted betweenJanuary 1 and December 31, 2020, by the issuer and by any company included in the scope of option allocation to their ten respective employees, whose number of options thus granted is the highest (overall information).



Stock options granted betweenJanuary 1 and December 31, 2020, by the issuer and by any company included in the scope of option allocation to their ten respective employees, whose number of options thus granted is the highest (overall information).

Number of options granted/subscribed or purchased


Stock options granted betweenJanuary 1 and December 31, 2020, by the issuer and by any company included in the scope of option allocation to their ten respective employees, whose number of options thus granted is the highest (overall information).

Weighted average price (in euros)


Stock options held from the issuer and the aforementioned companies, exercised betweenJanuary 1, and December 31, 2020, by the respective ten employees of the issuer and these companies, who bought or subscribed to the greatest number of options (overall information).

Stock options held from the issuer and the aforementioned companies, exercised betweenJanuary 1, and December 31, 2020, by the respective ten employees of the issuer and these companies, who bought or subscribed to the greatest number of options (overall information).


2013 stock option co-investment plan

Stock options held from the issuer and the aforementioned companies, exercised betweenJanuary 1, and December 31, 2020, by the respective ten employees of the issuer and these companies, who bought or subscribed to the greatest number of options (overall information).

Number of options granted/subscribed or purchased


Stock options held from the issuer and the aforementioned companies, exercised betweenJanuary 1, and December 31, 2020, by the respective ten employees of the issuer and these companies, who bought or subscribed to the greatest number of options (overall information).

Weighted average price (in euros)







Number of options granted/subscribed or purchased



Weighted average price (in euros)
