2019 Annual financial report

Chapter 6. Consolidated financial statements 2019 year

  • Long Term Incentive Plan “Sapient 2019 Plan” (May 2019)
     In parallel with the LTIP 2019 and for the fifth consecutive year following the acquisition of Sapient, a plan with two tranches was put in place in 2019 exclusively for managers and employees of Publicis Sapient :
    • the first tranche is conditional only upon continued employment and gives rise to the delivery of one-fourth of the shares awarded on the dates of the first four anniversaries of the plan (i.e. in May 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023);
    • in addition to the condition of continued employment, the second tranche is conditional upon performance criteria, and the total number of shares delivered shall depend on the level of targets achieved for 2019, 2020 and 2021. Delivery will take place at the end of a three-year period, in May 2022.
  • Special “Star Growth Performers” 2019 plan (May 2019)
    To retain Group players that have a direct impact on growth, some of the Group’s employees were awarded free shares subject only to a continued employment condition. The shares will be deliverable at the end of a three-year period, in May 2022.
  • Epsilon Replacement Plan (July 2019)
    Certain awards by ADS Group in 2019 to Epsilon employees lapsed as a result of Epsilon’s acquisition by Publicis Groupe. To replace these awards, the beneficiaries were granted Publicis Groupe shares, 20% being subject to continued employment and 80% to performance conditions, split into three tranches:
    • a first tranche awarded by the Management Board in July 2019, subject to targets set for 2019, deliverable in March 2020;
    • a second tranche that will actually be awarded by the Management Board in March 2020, subject to targets set for 2020, and deliverable in March 2021;
    • a third tranche that will actually be awarded by the Management Board in March 2021, subject to targets set for 2021 and deliverable in March 2022
  • Special Retention Plan 2019-2022 (November 2019) 
    • A new 3-year retention plan was established for certain Groupe managers. This plan is subject, in addition to the condition of continued employment, to personal performance conditions for 2020 to 2022. It will be deliverable in March 2023, at the end of a 3-year period.
       In addition, the performance of the following plans was assessed in 2019:
      • LTIP 2018: the performance targets set for 2018 were 50% achieved;
      • LTIP 2016-2018 “Directoire” and “Directoire +”: the performance targets set for 2018 were 50% achieved;
      • Lionlead3 (excluding “Directoire” and “Directoire +”): the performance targets set for 2018 were 75% achieved;
      • Lionlead3 “Directoire” and “Directoire +”: the performance targets set for 2016-2018 were 75% achieved;
      • Sapient 2016, 2017 and 2018 plans: the performance targets set for 2018 were 60% achieved
Publicis Groupe share subscription or purchase option plans
Characteristics of the Publicis Groupe stock option plans as at December 31, 2019



Date d’attribution

Option exercise price

(in euros)

Options outstanding at January 1, 2019

Options canceled, lapsed or transferred (2) in 2019

Options exercised in 2019

Options outstanding at December 31, 2019

Of which exercisable at December 31, 2019

Deadline for exercise

Remaining contract life (in years)


Co-investment 2013 options (France and Outside France)



Date d’attribution


Option exercise price

(in euros)


Options outstanding at January 1, 2019


Options canceled, lapsed or transferred (2) in 2019


Options exercised in 2019


Options outstanding at December 31, 2019


Of which exercisable at December 31, 2019


Deadline for exercise


Remaining contract life (in years)



Total of all tranches



Date d’attribution


Option exercise price

(in euros)


Options outstanding at January 1, 2019


Options canceled, lapsed or transferred (2) in 2019


Options exercised in 2019


Options outstanding at December 31, 2019


Of which exercisable at December 31, 2019


Deadline for exercise


Remaining contract life (in years)


(1) A = stock options; S = share subscription options.
(2) These relate to any transfers between French and foreign plans due to the geographic mobility of beneficiaries

The vesting period for the above plans has been completed, but the exercise of options remains subject to a continued presence condition until the date of exercise of the options.