2019 Annual financial report

Chapter 4. Corporate Social Responsibility – Non-financial performance

In more than 90% of entities, agency management is, and remains, local. A key success factor of the Group’s agency acquisition and integration policy is maintaining the local management team in place, not to mention the absolute necessity of gaining a strong cultural foothold so as to understand the markets in which we operate. The vast majority of entity employees are local, which is why it is essential to create teams with diverse profiles – career path, experience, culture, language, nationality, etc. Relationships with academia, schools and universities

 In 2019, around 920 programs or activities were undertaken in some 50 countries. Some managers act as regular, or one- off, contacts in some disciplines and domains, and share their experience with future professionals. Our agencies take part in events designed to help young students find out about jobs in the industry. They also welcome students on open days or for ad hoc visits (see Section 4.1.3). 

The Group has forged relationships with various schools, universities (see corporate website, CSR section) and organizations that are highly committed to diversity. Publicis Groupe is a member of “the Alliance for YOUth”, created and led by Nestlé, whose mission is to combat youth unemployment and promote the employability of young people as well as their professional integration. 

4.1.3 Development of skills, experience, careers

 Since 2018, driven by Emmanuel André, Group Chief Talent Officer (CTO), a Group training plan has been rolled out, drawing on a number of factors. The objective is to make training work for all employees and to make it a part of the business’s strategic plan so as to move towards a culture that is always learning. Each employee needs to be able to develop professionally and maintain their employability within a rapidly changing ecosystem.

69.8% of employees received training
1 112 600 hours of training delivered, 
representing an average of 21.6 hours per capita.
Top 5 :
Evolution of career and soft skills:
Business Acumen:
Management & Leadership:
Digital Communication & Marketing:

  • 69.8% of employees benefited from some form of training or career development in 2019; 
  • over 1,112,600 training hours were dispensed during the year (i.e. 21.6 hours per person, based on the number of employees trained), via more than 10,000 training modules which can be broken down into the following: 
  • 750,940 training hours on a classroom basis (67%),
  • 361,660 hours of e-learning or self learning were shared (33%). 

Training is key to the Group’s transformation strategy 

The system is a collaborative one that is open to all and is based on three pillars:

  • SPRINT: video learning supported by interactive content, enabling teams to be trained on subjects that are key to the Group’s activities, ranging from Data, to Dynamic Creativity or Digital Business Transformation. Short-format, dynamic training, such as simple conversations with Group experts in these fields, in addition to online modules for a more in-depth analysis of each topic; 
  • Education On Demand in numerous fields. Very simple to use, the platform offers curricula tailored to the needs of our staff by business or level. Publicis Learning Platform is constantly updated with new modules, developed in-house or in partnership with digital partners. It can be accessed 24 hours a day in 13 languages. All these programs are business oriented and aim to equip individual employees with the best tools to service their clients in the most effective way that is most relevant to their needs;
  • Immersive Leadership Learning LAB (for Live Action Boost) primarily delivered face-to-face.